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written by Dan Fuerst

5 Secular Commercials That Catholics Can Appreciate

February 5, 2025

Great storytelling has the power to move the heart, stir the imagination, and—even without explicit religious language—point us toward transcendent truths. As Catholics, we believe that all truth, goodness, and beauty ultimately lead back to God. That means even in the secular marketplace, we can find glimpses of grace, reminders of virtue, and reflections of the Gospel.

Here are five commercials that, though not explicitly religious, contain themes that Catholics can deeply appreciate.

1. Meet the new Volvo EX90

Talk about pro-life! Not only does this commercial tell a beautiful story and the ups and downs of parenthood, it wraps it up in one succinct statement. “FOR LIFE”

2. Extra Gum – Can’t Help Falling In Love Feat. Haley Reinhart

Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. This commercial shares the profound connection and shared essence between man and woman.

3. Gillette Treo Advertisement Assisted Shaving ( Father & Son )

Are you seeing elements of the Theology of the Body here, or is it just me? Our bodies deserve dignity and compassion throughout life, as we are made in the image and likeness of God.

4. The Season’s Best Holiday Ad – Bouygues Christmas

Another happy pro-life commercial! This one showing just how much parents do for their kids.

5. Chevrolet 2023, A Holiday to Remember.

A heartwarming story about a woman’s holiday journey to gift her grandmother the memories from years past. A reminder that aging and death are hard and that we are not made for this world, but for Heaven.

These commercials remind us that truth, goodness, and beauty are not confined to church walls. They can be found in unexpected places—even in an ad. When we train our eyes to see with faith, we recognize that God is always at work, whispering His truth through stories, relationships, humor, and human creativity.

So next time you watch a commercial, pay attention. You just might catch a glimpse of grace.